Sterling, VA
+ (703) 376-3700

Why Dark Fiber?

As the demand for bandwidth continues to grow, businesses require high capacity, flexible and cost-effective solutions. Our dense dark fiber infrastructure empowers users to optimize their IT investments and create highly efficient optical transport networks.

Growing Network

SummitIG’s extensive network infrastructure has over 900 miles of newly-constructed, 100% underground and unique metro and long-haul routes throughout Virginia and Columbus. SummitIG’s infrastructure is tailored for developing customized solutions for our customers.


From data center network expansion to custom infrastructure development, we offer connectivity solutions for customers who want to gain complete control and transform the way they architect networks, solving connectivity needs quickly, securely and cost-effectively.


We work closely with carriers, data center operators, content providers and large enterprises to design custom, fiber-based solutions. Our dedicated staff pledges to deliver on time and within budget, providing the highest quality customer service along the way.

Control Your Network,
Control Your Future

Leverage SummitIG’s dark fiber solutions for your core environments so you do not get left behind when it comes to your own network. Dark fiber gives you the visibility and control to easily expand your network connectivity needs as your company grows. Do not be dependent on a lit supplier’s bandwidth throttle or settle for unpredictable prices.

Looking ahead… Do you see a data center or network expansion in your future? Grow on your terms with dark fiber infrastructure.

   Data Center Alley

Who We Serve


Whether expanding your footprint to data centers, network PoPs or enterprise buildings utilizing SummitIG’s Metro X-Connect and dark fiber services, realize the power of a tailored network to meet your core business needs. Avoid the capital expense of building new network infrastructure.


Customers are demanding an unprecedented amount of data delivered to their devices instantly. Dark fiber is the answer to creating an agile, scalable and robust network.

 Data Center

With our dark fiber solutions, offer your customers space, power and connectivity beyond your facility to multiple points across our dense fiber infrastructure.


Build an agile, efficient and cost-effective network that will scale alongside your increased capacity requirements to interconnection facilities, data centers and cloud platforms.


Create custom and private dark fiber solutions to key government locations that are highly reliable, secure and efficient utilizing our unique infrastructure.

 Scale the Summit. Reach the Cloud.®

Dark Fiber

Investing in dark fiber services gives you an advantage to execute on your business strategy in today’s competitive market. It offers an efficient, cost-effective and scalable solution, providing you unlimited data capacity at a fixed price.

Metro X-Connect

Carriers, content companies and enterprises can quickly and economically cross-connect between key facilities, eliminating expensive metro hardware and transport costs.

Data Center Connectivity

SummitIG provides infrastructure at all points of interest – from facilities managed by third-party data center operators, to proprietary carrier-neutral facilities operated by business customers, to metro and long-haul carrier PoPs.

Custom Network Infrastructure

Leverage our existing footprint and our construction expertise to build a highly efficient, purpose-built network for your business that will meet your current and future bandwidth requirements.


On-Net Buildings

Data Center Sq Ft Serviced

Industry Insights

Want to Connect? Contact SummitIG Today!